New Opportunities Await ISACA Members in 2022

Author: Julia Kanouse, Chief Membership Officer, ISACA
Date Published: 8 November 2021

With Membership and Certification renewals right around the corner, I wanted to take a moment and preview some of what you have to look forward to in 2022!

While you’ve heard from us a lot this year on our digital transformation, our teams have also been working this year on new ways to connect, learn and engage. At the forefront of this effort is your feedback. Each year we conduct a Member Needs survey to assess if we are hitting the mark on providing value and satisfaction through our Membership benefits and Chapter activities.

Consistently, we hear that we need to improve upon connecting our members as a community, specifically in ways that assist our members in furthering their professional development as a Digital Trust professional, both in technical (domain specific) and non-technical ways.

To that end, I’m excited to share with you a sneak peek of activities underway to begin bridging those gaps.

Last year, we began a small pilot of an ISACA Mentorship program. With our pilot participants who responded to the program surveys, we found these insights:

  • 75% of respondents strongly agreed/agreed that the mentorship program supported them in their professional development
  • 96% of respondents strongly agreed/agreed that the mentorship program strengthens the ISACA community
  • 87% of respondents strongly agreed/agreed that the mentorship program adds value to their ISACA Membership

With such great feedback, we are excited to start scaling this program in 2022 – keep an eye out for a full launch next year!

We’re also piloting ways to help supplement your learning with opportunities to learn more “durable skills.” These are the skills we all need and use when navigating our workplaces, engaging with clients and leading teams. Our first opportunity is right around the corner, on 30 November, with the launch of our member-exclusive Speaker Series. Our inaugural speaker will be Erica Dhawan, bringing us insights and actionable steps on navigating digital body language. With more and more of our community continuing to work remotely and extend their work across teams and time zones, how we communicate digitally is more important than ever. Make sure to check out this recent podcast with Megan Moritz and Erica Dhawan to learn more.

Additionally, your local chapter will have toolkits at its fingertips to continue the conversation on these topics and in ways that are relevant to your local chapter community.

There’s so much more to come in Q4, 2022, and beyond. I want to take the time to thank you for contributing to the ISACA community and making it the warm, welcoming and fiercely intelligent place that it is today. Here’s to your continued success!